Fail    Safe
Technologies | LLC

Don't Panic! Let Fail Safe Tech Solve It!

Welcome To Fail Safe Technologies

Enhancing your overall readiness posture for the "what-if" scenario is a continuous pursuit, essential for ensuring continuity, resilience, and the capacity to swiftly adapt to unforeseen obstacles.

Fail Safe Tech's comprehensive and interdisciplinary solutions, paired with our cost-reducing knowledge, position us to meet the complex challenges and disparate needs of our clients.

Savvy agencies and professionals, alike, across the United States, choose Fail Safe Technologies LLC to augment capabilities, integrate consultancy & advisory expertise, automate business-as-usual tasks & processes, and incorporate proactive measures to achieve success.

Please contact us to discuss your unique requirements and let's see what we can do together!

Learn more about how Fail Safe Tech is growing, the industries we serve and our selection of solutions and services below!

license Vendor IDs & Registration IDs

Fail Safe Technologies LLC is an approved vendor for the following states and is able to provide services to those organizations wishing to purchase under state contracts.
New York State Vendor ID: #1100225519

Fail Safe Tech is registered with the System for Award Management

NAICS Codes: 541690, 518210, 541511, 541512, 541519, 611420, 813920, 624190, 813319, 624120

jump_to_element Jump To Section:Critical Infrastructure Sector Solutions • Public Sector Solutions • Private Sector Solutions • Community Engagement Solutions • General Solutions


Critical Infrastructure Solutions

The United States is comprised of 16 critical infrastructures, whose assets, systems and networks are considered so vital, that their failure or absence would have drastic impacts to our daily lives.
Let's work together to strengthen and maintain secure, operational and resilient critical infrastructures with our innovative solutions, advisors and consultants. Interested in learning more? Ready to schedule a consultation?

Contact us today and let's discuss your needs.
Utility Mircogrids
Situational Awareness
Risk Management / Cyber
Metadata Interoperability
Mission-Critical Failovers
Infrastructure Connectivity
Resiliency and Redundancy Strategies
Risk Management / Cyber
Information Technology
Vulnerability and Risk Management
Integrity and Availability
Infrastructure Reconstruction
Emergency Services
Emergency Management Advisory
Computer-Based Emergency Support Tools
Private-Public Partnership Facilitations
Decision Support Solutions
Situational Awareness
Risk Management / Cyber
Technical Security Countermeasures
Food & Agriculture
Smart/IoT Agriculture Solutions
Private-Public Partnership Facilitations
Agriculture Automation and Resource Utilization
Government Services & Facilities
Installation Security / Hardening
Tactical, Operational and Strategic Situational Awareness
Technical Security Countermeasures
Healthcare & Public Health
Hazard Mitigations
Vulnerability and Risk Management
Data Interoperability, Availability, Integrity and Confidentiality
Defense Industrial Base
Research and Development
Production, Maintenance, and Delivery
Risk Management Advisory

Nuclear Reactors, Materials and Waste
Emergency Planning Zone Preparedness
Public Alerting and Situational Awareness
Sensor and Detection Situational Awareness
Risk Management
Elevated Situational Awareness
Digital Logistics
Smart Transport Networks
Risk and Vulnerability Management
Water and Wastewater
Elevated Situational Awareness
Smart/IoT Water / Waste Solutions
Risk and Vulnerability Management

Public Sector Solutions

Emergency response and disaster preparedness is a 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, all year round enterprise. We equip your agency with the tools, capabilities and expertise to effectively build, sustain, and improve the capability to mitigate against, prepare for, respond to, and recover from threatened or actual disasters caused by natural, technological and human-caused hazards.
We enhance local emergency response capabilities with technology based emergency tools, and resources that ultimately promote the continuity of both emergency and routine operations, enabling you to reduce costs, rapidly identify problem areas and leverage real time situational awareness and other valuable incident driven data, delivering vital insight into your communities' resiliciency and measure overall preparedness.
RavenGIS™ - Digital Geospatial Situational Awareness Damage Collection, Needs Assessment & Decision Support Tools
Visual Mapping Situational Awareness
Streamline Time Sensitive Data Collection
Maximize Cost Recovery Potential for Public Assistance
Learn more about RavenGIS™
Visit RavenGIS™ at and get started with your free Essentials Plan
Read the RavenGIS™ Platform Technical Details Overview at
Field Emergency Operations Center™ (FieldEOC™) - Mission-Critical Computer-Based Emergency Support Tools
Fully Equipped, Mission-Critical, Computer-Based Emergency Support Tools
Improved On-Scene & Inter-Agency Communications
Dependable, Accurate & Timely Intelligence
Confident Resource Management
Consolidated • Collaborative • Interoperable • Intuitive Operations
Learn more about FieldEOC™
Visit Field Emergency Operations Center™ (FieldEOC™) at
RavenEOC™ Dashboard Console (Beta)
Govt Web Subscribers enjoy exclusive access to our public safety beta programs
Ask us about our newest RavenEOC™ Dashboard Console solution and how you can become a beta tester
Fail Safe Tech Elite Government Solutions
Ask us about our newest Fail Safe Tech Elite Government Solutions
DizAlert™ • DizComm™ • DizMesh™ • DizPlan™ • DizPrep™ • DizReady™
Government Web Services
Web Services
Informed constituents are often better prepared and engagement is critical to promoting resiliency within a community. With scarce resources and increasing expectations from citizens, we are your experts in local government with our custom built, user-friendly, content management system, leveraging data and social media to streamline the web experience.

With a combination of Fail Safe Tech's Director Platform Content Management System and Elite Diz-Suite of Public Safety Solutions, your agency can deliver high confidence information, in a timely fashion, from a trusted local source, under your control, while providing a go-to online resource that encompasses inclusivity of all members of the community, even individuals who may otherwise be excluded or marginalized such as individuals with disabilities or other minority groups.

U.S. 508 Requirements • Mobile-First and Friendly Design • U.S. Local Gov't Service Level Agreements • Public Safety Focused Web Solutions

Contact us and let's explore how we can transform your presence on the information superhighway.

Community Engagement Programs

Community Programs Across the United States, communities in crisis have demonstrated the importance of public-private partnerships, real time resources and advocacy programs to foster whole community collaboration, while promoting awareness and maximizing community resiliency. Socially vulnerable groups, from veterans to the elderly, those living with mental and behavioral health disorders, and other marginalized individuals are often unaware of resources and are systemically excluded from participation in the American Dream.
Fail Safe Tech's Community Engagement Programs concentrates on socially vulnerable groups and available community resources, by providing stakeholders with comprehensive and interdisciplinary solutions, along with cost-reducing knowledge that meet the complex challenges and disparate needs of our clients.

With our knowledge of how regulations, standards and industry best practices impact our clients, we are able to deliver in-field expertise for all of our efforts. Our practical experience servicing communities in need, enables us to meet the specific needs of our clients, while delivering valuable insights and achieving long term sustainability.

Your journey toward meaningful impact starts here. Reach out to us today to explore our dynamic, innovative community engagement programs and discover unparalleled partner network opportunities. Together, let's transform communities and shape a brighter future!
Local Veterans Engagement
Post-service intro tech workshops & professional development for employment opportunities
We hire and/or facilitate the placement of our veterans in technology/computer based positions for opportunities & roles within our professional network of partners, associates & affiliates.
Senior Community Engagement
For Tech-Savvy Seniors
Staying Safe Online
Computer, Internet & Email Essentials
Learn how to integrate tech to: Order Medications • Schedule Doctors Appointments • Other Daily Life Activities
Workforce Development Solutions
Internship Opportunities
Summer Youth Programs
Technical Skills & Knowledge
Mentoring Programs
STEM Mentoring Opportunities
One-on-one's • Groups
Custom curated sessions to skill level
Communities in Crisis
Crisis Management Consulting
Community Action Strategies
Self-Help Program Development
Social Advocacy
Community Development Advisory
Social Vulnerability Advovacy Support
Grant Writing and Resource Development
Elderly and Persons with Disabilities
Customized Accessibility Framework
Comprehensive Caregiver Support Solutions
Operational Efficiency and Impact Analysis
Request Fail Safe Tech For Events
From the basics to specialized topics
Demos, interactive sessions, workshops

Private Sector Solutions

Your business is one of the largest investments you may make, and ensuring your business has the right digital capabilities to tackle tasks, in a ever evolving technologically integrated world, is essential for business continuity and long term sustainability.

Hiring Fail Safe Tech to provide quality computer services, networking, cybersecurity solutions, consultation and more, for your business needs, not only adds value, but keeps you ahead of the competition, so you can focus on your business. Rest assured and Don't Panic! Let Fail Safe Tech Solve It!

Please contact us to discuss your requirements.

General Solutions & Services

Additional Services & Solutions Fail Safe Tech is your full service computer & technology consulting provider. We eliminate the frustration of most computer issues and provide you with professional, timely and honest services.

Below is a small list of the services we provide. Not seeing what you are looking for? Ask us and let's see what we can do together.

Contact us today and let's discuss your needs.
Backup & Disaster Recovery
Full Backups • Automated Backups • Offline Backups • Basic Recovery Services
Data Protection • Disaster Recovery-as-a-Service
Ask about our Backup & Disaster Recovery offerings
Hardware Services
Internal & External Hardware Services
We Do Not Repair Hardware!
Ask about our Hardware Service offerings
Software Services
Essential & Advanced Software Services
Routine Optimization & Efficiency Services
Ask about our Software Service offerings
Essential & Advanced Cybersecurity Services
Vulnerability Management • Penetration Testing
Ask us about Fail Safe Tech Firewall
Ask about our Cybersecurity Service offerings
Consultation & Advisory Services
Analysis & Recommendations • Elevated Value & Operations
Strategies • Architecture • Infrastructure • Design • Engineering
Technology Plans • Policies & Procedures
Contact us today and let's discuss your technology consulting and advisory needs